Dance fitness - the b.class®
b.class® makes you feel, experience many different elements which will help you feel stronger both physically and mentally.
“This class is pure joy! Loved it from the very first move.”
— Katie A
What can you expect from your the b.class® experience:
Feel empowered & connected to yourself
Smile wide!
Women only
Easy-to-follow choreography
Bodyweight exercise
Interval training (squats, burpees, pushups, etc.)
Concentrated balance poses (some hidden yoga moves)
Fun, motivating music that will move you
Intense cardio (as much as you want to make it)
Options are given for all levels of fitness (make your own modifications)
All ages and stages
A non-judgemental, welcoming environment
A good sweat
Motivation and inspiration
Savasana (Relax-o time) at the end
Remember: Clean non-marking sneakers or Grippy Socks (socks available from RZ)